

To use sim2lbuilder, first install it using pip:

$ pip install sim2lbuilder

Building an App Schema

The schema is a collection of inputs, outputs and a layout described as a Python dictionary

schema = {
    'inputs': {
        'n1': { 'type': 'IntText', 'value': 1},
        'n2': { 'type': 'IntText', 'value': 3}
    'outputs': {
        'sol': { 'type': 'IntText'},
    'layout': {
        'type': 'HBox',
        'children' : {
            'n1': None,
            'n2': None,
            'button' : {
                'type': 'Button',
                'click': 'SUM',
                'description': '=',
            'sol': None

The schema requires that every input be defined within a dictionary, specifying an identifier as the key, along with a default value and a corresponding type. The types correspond to the widget names developed by the Jupyter project. Moreover, developers have the flexibility to include additional parameters to the widgets like value boundaries or labels within the dictionary

Similary Outputs are described in the schema, but they dont require a default value to be passed. Custom widgets can be added as inputs or outputs if the required module is included. for example if a map is required, the following code includes the Map widget from the ipyleaflet library.

Similarly, Outputs are defined within the schema, but unlike inputs, they do not require the inclusion of a default value. The flexibility to include custom widgets as inputs or outputs is provided, assuming the required module is installed. For instance, if a map widget is required, the following code snippet demonstrates the inclusion of the Map widget from the ipyleaflet library. for more examples look at the examples notebooks (inputs, outputs)

schema = {
    'outputs': {
        'output1' : {
            'type': 'Map',
            'module' : 'ipyleaflet'

The layout is a collection of dictionaries that resembles a tree-like structure. Each node within the tree includes an array of children, widget descriptions, or references to inputs or outputs. Widget descriptions (e.g. button in the above schema) follow a similar format as inputs, but they are not passed as part of the widget to callback function. References to inputs or outputs are established solely by passing the key of the respective dictionary, while the corresponding value should be set as None containers require a type to be defined, container types are defined by the layout type.

Building a widget

WidgetConstructor construct a jupyter widget App based on the schema passed as parameter to the constructor, however there is no interaction between the widgets included in the App. callbacks are need to be added, as explained next.

>>> s = WidgetConstructor(schema)


An App usually serves as a representation of a workflow that relies on inputs and stores results on outputs. This functionality is achieved through a Python function that accepts a widget as a parameter. the widget holds references to the inputs and outputs specified in the schema, allowing the function to establish connections between input values and output results. To illustrate this concept, consider the following function, which adds the values of inputs n1 and n2 and saves the solution to the output sol.

>>> def SUM (w):
>>>     w.outputs["sol"].value = w.inputs["n1"].value + w.inputs["n2"].value

and the Assigning the function to replace the default dummy function created by WidgetConstructor

>>> s.SUM = SUM

Assembling your App

Finally the widget needs to be assembled.

>>> s.assemble()
>>> display(s)

The ful code looks like the following

schema = {
    'inputs': {
        'n1': { 'type': 'IntText', 'value': 1},
        'n2': { 'type': 'IntText', 'value': 3}
    'outputs': {
        'sol': { 'type': 'IntText'},
    'layout': {
        'type': 'HBox',
        'children' : {
            'n1': None,
            'n2': None,
            'button' : {
                'type': 'Button',
                'click': 'SUM',
                'description': '=',
            'sol': None
from sim2lbuilder import WidgetConstructor
s = WidgetConstructor(schema)
def SUM (w):
    w.outputs["sol"].value = w.inputs["n1"].value + w.inputs["n2"].value