Welcome to sim2lbuilder’s documentation!

sim2lbuilder (SimToolBuilder) is a powerful Python package that provides a versatile set of tools for effortlessly constructing Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs) within Jupyter notebooks. Users can easily design interactive Apps by specifying their desired inputs, outputs, and layout. The package offers two options for generating Apps: ipywidgets and React/Js (nanohub-uidl). Sim2lBuilder also offers the option to display the described tools as interactive widgets directly within the Jupyter notebook environment. Alternatively, users have the flexibility to generate code that can be further customized and modified to suit specific requirements. By leveraging the capabilities of Sim2lBuilder, developers of sim2ls can effortlessly build intuitive and visually appealing GUIs for simulation workflows, enhancing user interaction in Jupyter notebooks.

Check out the Usage section for further information, including how to Installation the project, and it integration with sim2ls Sim2l as a Jupyter Widget, Sim2l as a Javascript Apps


This project is under active development. supported by nanoHUB.org
